Friday, January 7, 2011

I dub thee, Crazy Day!!!

4th of January 2011

Okay, so at the moment I’m sitting on a bus that is taking me, well… around the world. But my destination is Gosford. I will eventually get there; it will just take me about an hour and a half, even though Gosford is really only about 20 mins away.

Why am I doing it? Well, I’m going to Gosford to meet up with a friend, Shorty. (If you read the ‘Introduction to the Asylum’ package, you’ll know who she is.) I’m taking her a Crazy Day present. Now I know I haven’t explained about Crazy Day before, so I’ll give you the 411.

Crazy Day is a day that we invented years ago. How many years? I’m not sure, but a fair few. Crazy Day occurs on… well, any day you want it to, All that’s required is a random gift and a letter. I haven’t actually written Shorty’s letter yet. In fact, I’m not even sure I have a piece of paper on me.

I wonder if an email or a mention in my blog would count as a letter? Hmm… *ponders*

Anyway, today the random gift Shorty will be receiving is ~drum roll~ a set of USB microphones for Wii!!! So, random huh?

Well really it’s not quite as random as you’d think. I bought U-Sing for my Wii a few weeks back and Shorty and her Husband (Blakus, see aforementioned ‘Introduction’) came over and played it for a while. I thought they enjoyed it so I got a set of mic’s for them. (I’m also lending them my U-Sing game, cause what use would the mic’s be without a game?) *crosses fingers* I hope she likes it. :D

So, I’m quite hopeful that something interesting will happen to me on the way to Gosford. ‘Cause it’s kinda gunna suck if the most interesting thing about this blog is my excessive use of exclamation points!!!

~Some time later~

Sadly, nothing of astounding interest happened to me on the bus ride. I did manage to find a post-it note to write Shorty’s Crazy Day letter on though. Then me and Shorty played U-sing and tortured her neighbors. Fun was had. :D

8th of January 2011

Today is the one year anniversary of the day my Nan passed away. I guess all I can say is I really didn’t realize how much I’d miss her. I didn’t really start to get close to her until just a few years ago. I feel like I wasted a lot of time not knowing her. I mean, I knew her, and I visited her with family on special occasions like Christmas and stuff, but I was really just a kid, I didn’t value the time with her, I just complained that I wasn’t somewhere else… now I wish I could get some of that time back.

I guess that saying ‘You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone’ really rings true here.

I don’t really know what my religious beliefs are, God, Jesus and all that… it’s not something I really know about, or concern myself with. But, no matter my beliefs, I do hope that my Nan is somewhere at peace. It’s kinda sucky thinking that at the end of this all you get is a wooden box or an urn that gets carted around by relatives and forgotten about until one day when someone accidentally lets one of the kids near it and then… well, you’re dust.
Maybe that is all there is, but for my Nan, I hope it’s something better.

So, here is a little something from a song I really love, that describes a lot of what I feel right now. I really love that about music, that it can describe a feeling I can’t.

I still can’t believe you’re gone, but you still live on in me. I feel you in the wind, you guide me constantly. I carry the things that remind me of you. In loving memory of the one that was so true. You were as kind as anyone could be, and even though you’re gone, you still mean the world to me.
--Alter Bridge, In Loving Memory.

Anyway, I’ll stop this crazy rambling. This, I think, will be my blog for the week. I don't know if anyone actually reads my blog, and to be honest, it doesn't really bother me if no one does, it's more for me than anyone else.

I know, for the one person who reads this just to be obnoxious, 'Why write a public blog if you don't want anyone to read it?' I don't mind if someone reads it, it's not a diary entry, I simply don't mind if no one does.

So, you probably don't know this about me yet, but I'll let you in on a secret. I'm kinda addicted to quotes. So you will most likely see them at the bottom of the majority of my posts, and here is today's...

"Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once."
--Lillian Dickson

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